Weekend Meals Program

AIO supports the kids of Knox County by providing healthy, nourishing food on the weekends!

 What We Do

The AIO Weekend Meal Program provides meals and snacks for school-age children in Knox County. We work with participating schools to ensure this supplemental weekend meal program continues to evolve and meet the needs of those participating families.

Schools participating in weekend meal programs report higher reading and math scores and decreased chukd absenteeism, behavioral trips to the principal’s office, and trips to the school nurse for hunger-related ailments.

During the 2022-2023 school year, we provided 16,277 weekend meal bags to fourteen schools in Knox County. Special thanks to the amazing team of volunteers who make this important program happen every week.

AIO packs approximately 500 weekend meal bags every week during the school year.

Each week, our Weekend Meals bag contains a different menu of items to make two breakfasts, two lunches, and several snacks for the weekend.

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Every Thursday during the school year, bags of food are dropped off at participating schools for distribution by the schools on Friday for students to take home and eat over the weekend.


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If your child attends one of our 14 partner schools, simply reach out to your school nurse or office staff to ask for a WMP Enrollment Form. We offer open enrollment to all students with rolling admission throughout the year. Sign up today!

Families can sign up for our Weekend Meals Program at their partcipating schools anytime throughout the school year. There are no restrictions or income requirements.

Participating Schools

Appleton Village

Ash Point Community


Cushing Community

Friendship Village

Hope Elementary

Midcoast CDS

Miller School

Prescott Memorial

Rockland South School

St. George Elementary

Thomaston Grammar

Union Elementary

Warren Community


If you have questions or concerns, call (207) 596-1043 or email Sara@aiofoodpantry.org.