Diaper Assistance
Free diapers to help families make ends meet
Approximately 1 in 2 U.S. families experience diaper need. Babies without clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks.
The Facts
There are 37,376 children under the age of 3 living in Maine.
15% of children live in families earning less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Level.
The cost of infant care in Maine is 35% of the total income for a single-parent household.
Most childcare facilities require parents to provide diapers for their children.
Nationally, 25% of parents with diaper need reported missing an average of 5 work or school days in the past month due to an insufficient amount of diapers to drop children off at childcare.
What We Do
Each diaper-wearing child in our member’s households may receive between 10-40 diapers each week (subject to supply). If you’re a member, you’re already eligible to receive diapers.
We also have youth sizes for older children and swim diapers (when available) upon request.
When & Where
Location: 1A Gordon Drive in the Rockland Industrial Park
Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10:00am - 6:00pm & Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm.
If you are food shopping:
Grab a number from the ticket dispenser on the porch.
When your number matches the number on the LED sign in our window, proceed inside.
Show the volunteer your AIO Membership Card.
If you haven’t enrolled yet, you will be asked to fill out enrollment forms. Alternatively, you may click on the “Enroll Now” button on our assistance page.
Please let the volunteer know you will also be requiring diapers and what size
A volunteer will get your diapers for you.
Preemie, newborn, and swim diapers are available upon request (when available)
If you require additional help please ask a volunteer
If you ONLY need diapers:
Same as above EXCEPT:
You DO NOT need to take a number
Proceed inside with your AIO Membership Card when you arrive and tell the volunteer you are there only for diapers
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out at (207) 596-1043 or email@aiofoodpantry.org